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Registration for OMRON Hannover Messe Tour 2023

Available seats 40
No available dates. If you are interested in following this training programme please [contact us]

We are looking forward to you joining us at the Hannover Messe 2023.

As part of the OMRON Hannover Tour 2023, you will be given a special trip around the OMRON booth, enjoy dinner with us at Münchener Halle and accommodation at the RADISSON BLU HOTEL in Hamburg. And you will be able to connect with other peers and colleagues from around Norway.

As we have only a limited number of seats for this great event, participation is after “first come first served”.

Registration deadline is: 10th of March, 2023

As soon as we have registered your participation, a confirmation email will be sent to you. And later, an invoice will be issued to you. You will furthermore receive a more in-depth information/program as we get closer to the tour dates.

  • The registration is binding. No refund.

If you have any questions to the tour/registration, please contact your local OMRON sales representative.

We will be looking forward to welcoming you in Hannover.

Best regards

OMRON Electronics