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Production Facilities

Strategically implementing i-Automation! for on-site enhancement of cutting-edge technologies

At OMRON, we are always creating new cutting-edge production solutions founded on the i-Automation! concept, but the solutions that we actually provide to our customers must be further refined for effectiveness and usability.

Our production facilities, including OMRON Manufacturing of the Netherlands (OMN), located in 's-Hertogenbosch (Den Bosch), specialize in high-mix low-volume production and multi-product variable-volume production. The factories strategically implement advanced production technologies suited to the items produced and each factory. This gives us the opportunity to invent as well as thoroughly test and finetune these technologies before delivering them to our customers across the world.

omn building front comp

OMRON Manufacturing of the Netherlands

Integrating advanced automation solutions for improving productivity, traceability and quality, unlocking the full potential of on-site workers.

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ayabe factory building side misc

Ayabe Factory, Japan

Unlocking the full potential of on-site workers through curated automation and skill-less operation

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production facilities kusatsu bboard misc

Kusatsu Factory, Japan

Integrating advanced technologies and human on-site capabilities for improving productivity and Dbl.ppb-level board mounting quality

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shanghai factory mainbuilding side misc

Shanghai Factory, China

Production site of approximately 23,000 different products that cater to changes in the Chinese market, powered by intensive digitalization and autonomation.

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How can we help you?

If you have a question, like to visit us or would like to receive more information, please contact us.

+47 22 65 75 00
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Kontakt meg Our Worldwide Production Facilities

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Vi har for tiden tekniske problemer. Ditt skjema har ikke blitt innsendt. Vi beklager så mye og håper du vil prøve igjen senere. Detaljer:

+47 22 65 75 00
+47 22 65 75 00

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