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Safety at every level

Vi tilbyr en rekke sikkerhetstjenester for maskiner, som er skalerbare for å dekke behovene til små bedrifter på ett sted til internasjonale operasjoner på flere steder. Vi tilbyr en konsekvent tilnærming, og vi har behov for regional og internasjonal samsvar med lovgivning, og vi har kapasitet til å implementere dine sikkerhetsretningslinjer globalt.

Bedre produktivitet. Nye standarder for funksjonssikkerhet betyr at maskiner ikke alltid trenger å slås av når det er behov for inngrep eller tilgang. Vi har muligheten til å lage sikre kontrolløsninger ved hjelp av de nyeste sikkerhetsteknikkene som opprettholder høyest mulig sikkerhetsnivå, samtidig som vi reduserer forsinkelsene og potensielt sparer materialavfall.

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Customer Cases

Machine safety is subject of a continuous process

Safety of machinery is not just a snapshot. It is a process that covers the entire machinery lifecycle from planning to commissioning and operation including modification and maintenance. These are our Machine Safety Services:

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AMR Safety Assessment (AMR)

Each day autonomous mobile robots are becoming bigger, heavier, more complex and even more autonomous. And together they are creating entirely new safety challenges faced by machine manufacturers, integrators and users alike.

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Machinery CE Health Check (CEHC)

Early identification of non conformance prior to shipping produces tangible cost reductions. It also leads to swift machine installations and earlier production capability.

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Machinery Risk Assessment (MRA)

We help you fulfill your obligations to carry out the legally required risk assessment on the machine. We identify which of your machines are dangerous and require attention via our detailed assessment report.

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Conceptual Safety Design (CSD)

Our Conceptual Safety Design is a key and effective step towards reducing the risk on your machinery. If you have the necessary resources it can enable you to remediate your own machinery under our professional guidance.

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Formal CE Marking (CEM)

Our team members are very experienced in the CE marking process and all of its intricacies. We ensure the whole process runs smooth and efficient and the machine to which the CE mark is applied is legal for use.

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ESPE Stop Time Testing (EST)

We provide the formal determination of the stopping time of a machine, and then carry out the calculation and verification of the positioning of any safety device that is used to prevent access to moving parts of machinery.

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Supplementary Assessments (SAT & MNC)

You can build a machine safety conformance strategy around the expertise and man-power that you have inhouse and supplement this with expertise from us. This optimises your business efficiency.

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The “Gotcha Stick” Safe Distance Scale is a four-segment stick featuring EU metric measurements on one side and U.S. customary measurements on the other. The Gotcha Stick is the easiest means of verifying that openings in barrier guards will not allow the hazard(s) to be accessed by personnel reaching through a barrier guard.

  • Conformity with ISO 13857

    Compliance with measurements based on ISO 13857 for openings up to 20 mm.

  • Conformity with ANSI Standards

    Compliance with measurements based on ANSI B65-1 and ANSI/SPI B1 for openings up to 49 mm (1.875 inches).

  • Easy to use

    The Gotcha Stick is the easiest means of verifying that openings in barrier guards will not allow the hazard(s) to be accessed by personnel reaching through a barrier guard.

Få en gratis Gotcha Stick

Services & Support

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Oppgrader ferdighetene dine når det gjelder industriell automatisering. Øk kunnskapen din for å oppfylle kravene i din bransje

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Robotic Services

Up-time is a critical factor for integrated robotic solutions. Our team of robotic service specialists are dedicated to make sure that you can keep your installation healthy through the whole service life.

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