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Machine Asset Management Program (MAMP)

Compliance at a pace that suits your budget

Prioritised remediation

Our Machinery Safety Asset Management service is a total solution for all your machines, and it also helps you focus your budget to where the greatest risks are first. In this way you achieve full regulatory compliance for all your machines, and you demonstrate that you are managing your risks. But because you control the pace of this process (with our support and advice) you also control where to invest each year. We can carry out all of the remediation work in conjunction with our accredited system integrators on your behalf, or you can use your own staff, or we can work together in partnership.

Working with you, we create a program to inspect all your machinery. During the inspections we talk to your operators and line managers to assess how they use the machines. This enables us to best prioritise your machines into high, medium, and low risk. We remediate the high risk machines first, then the medium risk machines, and then the low risk machines.

Contact us for machine safety consultancy

Sustainable Safety

Our experience shows that investment in the beginning of the project during planning and design maximizes your primary risk reduction needs at an appropriate level of cost.

Sustainable compliance

We can train your staff to ensure that the solutions implemented during the program are sustained long after it is finalised. In short, we upgrade and update your machines and then we help your people keep them up to date. So your investment today will be sustained for many years.

To further ensure on-going and continued safety compliance, we will routinely re-inspect your machinery and reassess your machines via our Machine Safeguarding Evaluation service for long-term confidence.

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