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Machine Safeguarding Evaluation (MSE)

Find out which of your machines need attention

45 minutes per machine

A Machine Safeguarding Evaluation is the first step towards ensuring that all your machines are safe to use. It can take as little as 45 minutes per machine and the resulting report tells you which of your machines are in good condition, and which ones need attention.

The report also identifies areas of potential hazard, and highlights where (and why) more in-depth reviews are necessary. This is supported by a risk score analysis. It states what we consider to be the single most dangerous aspect of the machine.

Contact us for machine safety consultancy

How it works

Our safety consultant visually inspects each machine and completes a detailed checklist. He also consults with your operators and managers about how the machine is actually operated. The resulting formal written report tells you:

  • Which machines require a CE mark, and which machines have one

  • The status of the machine’s safety and fitness for use

  • Hazards present on the machine and the number of times each hazard is present. This indicates the overall level of danger that the machine presents to the user

  • Identification of the what we consider to be the most dangerous hazard on the machine.

What’s next?

This service is the first step in ensuring safety compliance, and it can be the starting point of a Machine Safety Asset Management Program. The report will also recommend if a formal risk assessment or Use of Work Equipment assessment should be carried out.

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