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Sensor Selection Simplified – Hands-on live stream session

Available seats 500

Practical tips and tricks for choosing the right sensor

Interested in upgrading your skills on photoelectric Sensors ?

Join our live stream session where Omrons sensor expert provides you practical inputs and guidance for choosing the sensor, best suited for your specific application.

Using live hands-on application examples, you will in this online session learn how to overcome the most common topics faced when selecting sensors for your machines. These sensor challenges are found and relevant in all industries, across many different production machineries. They include:

  • Change or adding of different packaging materials with color patterns and gloss

  • Dealing with moist, heat, cold, dust, oil

  • Stops in the production for cleaning or setting-up sensors

  • Stable detection of uneven objects

  • False readings due to mutual sensor interference or ambient light influences

  • Misdetection as a result of mounting angles or object shapes, especially with glossy or mat objects

  • Effective and flexible production lines vs. increase in change-overs and subsequent sensor teaching

The live presentation will be performed in Danish. However, we will have both Norwegian and Swedish representatives present on the live chat, to answer all your sensor questions in local language.