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We offer our Field Application Services whenever you need it. We’re here for you with comprehensive knowledge and support, ensuring you have everything you need, every step of the way


Design Consultation Services​

Provide expert design guidance to align your projects with your goals.

Programming Consultation​

Develop and demonstrate custom solutions to meet your technical needs.

Startup Service​

Assist with the installation, startup, and commissioning to ensure smooth operations.

Machine Pre-Commissioning​

Verify your machinery's readiness for optimal performance.


Perform detailed inspections to ensure everything is in order.


Resolve software and hardware issues with prompt and effective solutions.

Customer’s Application Specific Training​

Deliver specialized training tailored to your application requirements.

Services & Support

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Oppgrader ferdighetene dine når det gjelder industriell automatisering. Øk kunnskapen din for å oppfylle kravene i din bransje

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proof-of-concept poc labs fcard comp

Proof of Concept

Proof of Concept (PoC) Service helps you to outline and solve your robotics or industrial automation solution.

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service support2 peop

Technical Support

We have developed a dedicated knowledge base, myOmron, with additional support information on products and technology.

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