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Operational Excellence
Food & Beverage

Smart sensing for multiple materials!

Publisert 6. mai 2019 i Operational Excellence

You know the routine. Switching from one product to another on your production line means a costly full stop, making all kinds of changes, starting up again, discarding the materials and packaging already fed into the line together with start-up rejects, and only then can production resume. Well, have we got good news for you: smart sensing for multiple materials!

With mass customization becoming more and more common ground, production lines need to be able to quickly adapt to market driven changes. You want to optimize your manufacturing and respond promptly to consumer demands. The benefits are countless, but you need the right set-up. Smart sensors play a crucial role in transforming your production line into an OEE booster. A rightly constructed set-up even provides your manufacturing environment with auto configuring.
By deploying auto configuring any changes are immediately detected. That means that no stops are necessary; a huge cost saver.

More than production sensing

The smart in smart sensors stands for sensors that do more than just production sensing. For instance, when a lens gets dirty it will notify you that action is required in due time, and it will keep you posted on the quality of the detection. Advanced sensors and vision systems notice material deterioration before it’s too late, and in those cases where defective final product can’t be avoided, our vision sensors, synchronized with EtherCAT I/O, will ensure ZERO defect product at the end of the line. You can trust that our sensors and machine vision systems are accurate, calibrated, reliable, timely, and secure providing you with new features to improve flexible production by handling multiple materials in your lines.

Fast network guided changeovers

With a modular set-up of the line it is much easier to change materials in the production line. If you have lines that can handle multiple materials, you do not need to reconfigure the whole line.
It is fast and saves costs related to downtime and waste. The smart sensors collect the right data by tracking operating conditions and performance of factory tooling. The data is transformed into information, that will lead to appropriate real-time actions, like recommending pre-emptive adjustments. Never missing a beat, as can be the case with human involvement, detecting any kind of surface, exceptionally fast, preventing stops, and enabling fast network guided changeovers without the need of manual adjustments.

This article is part of the Omron's series of publications entitled 'OEE & me' and covers 'Smart sensing for multiple materials!' as a solution for Go with Adaptive and Dynamic production!

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  • Patricia Torres

    Patricia Torres

    Patricia is Industry Marketing Manager Food and Commodities Solutions at Omron Industrial Automation Europe.

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