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Customer References

Explore how our industrial automation solutions have helped our customers solve challenges and improve productivity, safety and efficiency. Leading the way to the factory of the future where humans and machines work side-by-side in harmony

Food & Beverages
beverage robot assisted workflow 1 bboard sol

Four top tips for automation projects in the food and beverage industry

22. februar 2021 A challenge accelerated by the Coronavirus pandemic has seen producers having to juggle between longer term range proliferation centred on consumer demands, and range (SKU’s) reduction caused by retailers and consumers rapidly changing buying habits. Companies that break new ground by using innovative technologies not only gain agility but also reduce scrap, contamination risk, waste and losses.
redi-omron-ld-service-robot bboard prod

Mobile robot streamlines food deliveries

30. november 2020 A whistling autonomous mobile robot has been seen recently moving around the corridors of shopping centre in Helsinki, Finland. Operated by OMRON’s solution partner Dimalog, the robot was taking part in a month-long ‘Home On-Demand’ automated courier service trial.
hd1500 warehouse bboard sol

Moving to e-mobility: seven tips for success

8. september 2020 The automotive industry throughout Europe is changing. It’s been badly hit by the Covid-19 pandemic, which has exacerbated declining sales. And there have been other problems. For instance, the Center for Automotive Research (CAR) forecasts that German vehicle manufacturers and suppliers could lose a quarter of their total workforce by 2030. A similarly gloomy picture is also emerging in the UK. Offsetting this is a growing demand for electric cars, which could lead to many new jobs being created.
Food & Beverages
seafood parlevliet fcard comp

Automated fish filleting solution ensures quality and cost efficiency at Seafood Parlevliet

1. september 2020 Raw brined herring is an acquired taste and holds a special place in many Dutch people’s hearts. Combined with a sprinkling of raw onions, many say that taking a big bite of the herring vertically, holding onto the tail of the fish is the only right way to eat it. However, this poses special requirements during the filleting process, as the tail of the fish needs to be preserved, in addition to demanding quality requirements.

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