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OMRON awarded platinum rating from EcoVadis for sustainability

OMRON has been awarded the EcoVadis Platinum rating (the highest distinction), a new category established this year to recognize companies that score in the top 1% of all the businesses assessed for sustainability performance.

Based in France, EcoVadis is a trusted independent provider of a shared sustainability platform that assesses more than 65,000 businesses. Its unique CSR rating methodology covers 200 purchasing categories and 160 countries in conjunction with several thousand external stakeholders, including NGOs, trade unions, international bodies, local governments, and auditing organizations. The assessment considers a comprehensive range of CSR issues, which are grouped into four themes: Environment, Labor Practices & Human Rights, Ethics, and Sustainable Procurement.

OMRON was awarded the Platinum rating as it significantly improved its score in Labor Practices & Human Rights while maintaining high scores in Environment and Sustainable Procurement. In Environment, in particular, OMRON was included within the top 1% of businesses in the same trade in recognition of the establishment of the OMRON Carbon Zero environmental target that aims for zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050, as well as the setting of and steady progress in quantitative targets for multiple environmental challenges. In Labor Practices & Human Rights, OMRON stood out through its efforts to build a safety and health management system that incorporates a third-party certification system.

Eleonora Denna, European Product Regulatory Compliance Specialist at Omron Europe comments: “In Europe, 70% of incoming environmental, social and government (ESG) requests in in fiscal year 2019 were related to EcoVadis. The EcoVadis rating is a powerful tool that underlines common values and accelerates business opportunities. We’re confident that achieving the platinum rating this year will be seen as great added value by our customers in the EMEA region.”

Going forward, OMRON will remain committed to sustainable corporate value improvement by solving social issues in all of the four themes to meet the expectations of various stakeholders.

OMRON's Sustainability Initiatives

OMRON identified its material sustainability issues that it seeks to resolve, including social issues to be solved through business in our focus domains and issues to be tackled in order for us to answer the expectations of our stakeholders by shoring up our business foundation.

For details on OMRON'S sustainability initiatives, please see Integrated Reports and the corporate website.

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