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iX4-800HS, 1 kg payload, 1600 mm diameter reach, P31, 46.25° rotation, 4 axis, 500 mm Zaxis, IP67 Base, IP67 Tooling, USDA, iCS-ECAT


Robot type Parallel
Robot controller Robotics Integrated Controller
Degree of protection (IP) IP67
Cleanroom class None
Payload 1 kg
Reach 1600 mm
Z-Stroke 500 mm
Rotation -/+ 46.25 °
Platform type P31
Cycle time 0.3 s
Repeatability 0.1 mm
Degrees of freedom 4
Number of joints 4
Suitable for pedestal/floor mounting
Suitable for ceiling mounting
EtherCAT communication
Number of I/O-Blox 4
