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V320 Code reader, 5.0 MP color, Wide view, Fixed focus 102 mm, No outer light, X-Mode decoder, RS-232, Ethernet via USB, IP40


Number of pixels 5.0 MP
Camera type Color
Focus distance 102-102 mm
Field of view (width) 96-96 mm
Decoder type X-Mode (advanced 1D+2D+DPM)
Frame rate 5 fps
Illumination Inner LEDs only
Communication port(s) Ethernet TCP/IP, Serial RS-232C, USB
Image width 2592 pixels
Image height 1944 pixels
Shutter type Rolling
Product Height (unpacked) 24.1 mm
Product Width (unpacked) 51.5 mm
Product Depth (unpacked) 38.8 mm
Degree of protection (IP) IP40


V320-W8-3M V/F 320-F Cable, RJ50 to flying lead, straight, 3 m
V320-WRX-2M V/F 320-F Cable, RJ50 to RS232 and external power, straight, 2 m
V330-AF1 V/F 3x0-F Diffuser Kit, Peel and Stick Accessory, Exterior to unit
V330-AF2 V/F 3x0-F Polarizer Kit, Peel and Stick Accessory, Exterior to unit


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