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Wireless Pushbutton Switch

"Wireless switch using sub-GHz band combines wireless reliability and ease-of-use in consideration of work environments"

  • Sub-GHz band for reduced interference and better signal propagation to difficult-to-reach areas
  • Visualization of impedance to wireless transmission because of damage or noise, using Master Unit error output
  • Visualization of Slave button reception status using reception confirmation LEDs
  • Transmission distance independent of the transmission position of the Slave button
  • Visualization of configuration using PC tools * that avoid erroneous ID registration
  • Visualization of signal quality in display and usage environments using PC tools *
  • 8 outputs with focus on decentralized control
  • Self-power generation eliminates battery replacement and enhances safety and energy saving in the Slave button
  • Slave button's shape allows easy use of buttons

Specifications & ordering info

Produkt Application Area Bezel material Color Bezel color Frequency Profile Reset method Shape Size Suitable for illumination Description
Wireless Mushroom button, dia. 40 mm, EU frequency 868.3 MHz, Button/flange colors blue-black
Wireless Mushroom button, dia. 40 mm, EU Frequency 868.3 MHz, Button/flange colors black-black
Wireless Mushroom button, dia. 40 mm, EU frequency 868.3 MHz, Button/flange colors green-black
Wireless Mushroom button, dia. 40 mm, EU frequency 868.3 MHz, Button/flange colors red-black
Wireless Mushroom button, dia. 40 mm, EU frequency 868.3 MHz, Button/flange colors white-black
Wireless Mushroom button, dia. 40 mm, EU frequency 868.3 MHz, Button/flange colors yellow-black
Wireless Full guard button, dia. 34.4 mm, EU frequency 868.3 MHz, Button/flange colors blue-black
Wireless Full guard button, dia. 34.4 mm, EU frequency 868.3 MHz, Button/flange colors black-black
Wireless Full guard button, dia. 34.4 mm, EU frequency 868.3 MHz, Button/flange colors green-black
Wireless Full guard button, dia. 34.4 mm, EU frequency 868.3 MHz, Button/flange colors red-black
Wireless Full guard button, dia. 34.4 mm, EU frequency 868.3 MHz, Button/flange colors white-black
Wireless Full guard button, dia. 34.4 mm, EU frequency 868.3 MHz, Button/flange colors yellow-black
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