Open to any communication, standard or user-defined
CS1 provides both standardised open networks interfaces, and cost-efficient high-speed proprietary network links. Datalinks between PLCs, or to higher-level information systems can be made using Serial or Ethernet links, or the easy-to-use Controller Link network.
Omron supports the 2 major field networks, DeviceNet and PROFIBUS-DP. For high-speed field I/O, Omron's own CompoBus/S offers an unsurpassed ease of installation. Fully user-configurable Serial and CAN-based communication can be used to emulate a variety of application-specific protocols.Specifications & ordering info
Ethernet cables and accessories
EtherCAT patch cables, improved shield
Note: For [.] fill in the 1-character length code.
Ethernet patch cables, standard RJ45 connectors
Note: For [...] fill in the length in cm.
Ethernet patch cables, RJ45/M12 connectors
Note: For [.] fill in the 1-character length code.
Ethernet cables and accessories
Industrial switching hubs
EtherNet/IP control data priority
Broadcast storm and LSI error detection |
EtherCAT junction slave
How can we help you?
If you have a question or would like to ask for a quote, please contact us or send a request.
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