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Digital timer with improved design

The innovative design guarantees effortless usage, programming, easy maintenance and enhanced user feedback. The intuitive user interface grants visibility and utmost clarity. Additionally, the intelligent timer replacement notification prompts preventive maintenance actions, ensuring optimal performance and longevity.

  • Improved operability with 6-digit up/down keys
  • Clear, sharp white text ensures accurate display information and minimizes the risk of misreading
  • Intuitive LED user guidance
  • Lifetime prediction ensures early notification of replacement time
  • Reduced body depth down to 59 mm

Specifications & ordering info

Produkt Type Installation type Functions Size Terminal type Operating mode Output type Contact description Supply voltage AC Supply voltage DC Number of pin contact Inputs Features Description
Timer, DIN 48x48 mm, standard type, screw terminals, No-voltage (NPN) input/voltage (PNP) input (switchable), Contact output (time-limit SPDT), 100 to 240 VAC supply
Timer, plug-in, 11-pin, DIN 48x48 mm, standard type, No-voltage (NPN) input/voltage (PNP) input (switchable), Contact output (time-limit SPDT), 100 to 240 VAC supply
Timer, plug-in, 11-pin, DIN 48x48 mm, standard type, No-voltage (NPN) input/voltage (PNP) input (switchable), Contact output (time-limit SPDT), 12 to 48 VDC/24 VAC supply
Timer, plug-in, 11-pin, DIN 48x48 mm, standard type, No-voltage (NPN) input/voltage (PNP) input (switchable), Contact output (time-limit SPDT), 24 to 240 VDC/24 to 240 VAC supply
Timer, plug-in, 11-pin, DIN 48x48 mm, standard type, No-voltage (NPN) input/voltage (PNP) input (switchable), transistor output(SPST), 12 to 48 VDC/24 VAC supply
Timer, DIN 48x48 mm, standard type, screw terminals, No-voltage (NPN) input/voltage (PNP) input (switchable), Contact output (time-limit SPDT), 12 to 48 VDC/24 VAC supply
Timer, DIN 48x48 mm, standard type, screw terminals, No-voltage (NPN) input/voltage (PNP) input (switchable), transistor output(SPST), 100 to 240 VAC supply
Timer, DIN 48x48 mm, standard type, screw terminals, No-voltage (NPN) input/voltage (PNP) input (switchable), transistor output(SPST), 12 to 48 VDC/24 VAC supply
Timer, DIN 48x48 mm, standard type, screw terminals, No-voltage (NPN) input/voltage (PNP) input (switchable), external power supply, Contact output (SPDT) + transistor output (SPST), 100 to 240 VAC supply
Timer, plug-in, 8-pin, DIN 48x48 mm, economy type, No-voltage (NPN) input/voltage (PNP) input (switchable), Contact output (time-limit SPDT) , 100 to 240 VAC supply
Timer, plug-in, 8-pin, DIN 48x48 mm, economy type, No-voltage input, Contact output (time-limit SPDT) , 12 to 48 VDC/24 VAC supply
Timer, plug-in, 8-pin, DIN 48x48 mm, economy type, No inputs, Contact output (time-limit SPDT + instantaneous SPDT), 100 to 240 VAC supply
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Better visual feedback and operation

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  • White LCD display and color universal design offer better visual clarity and visibility.
  • Sharp white text prevents misreading of display information

Notification of Replacement Time

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The service life of the timer depends on two decisive factors: On the number of switching operations and on the deterioration of the electrolytic capacitors. The H5CC series goes even further by not only considering the switching operations, but also triggering an alarm when the cumulative operating time of the electrolytic capacitors reaches the standard value. This feature enables scheduled maintenance to ensure optimal performance and longevity of the timer.

Optimized wiring design

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Power supply and input have been isolated, eliminating special considerations for installation or leakage current.

Shortened body

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The body depth of all models with screw terminals has been reduced to 59 mm, which contributes to thinner control panels.


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