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Multifunction Counter DIN 72x72mm

H7BX with the backlit LCD gives a excellent display view. The main display PV has a height of 13.5mm and SV has a height of 9.5mm. It can be green or red and it can be programmed to change if a specific value is reached. All basic counters functions are covered with many different output modes. Easy setup by dip-switches for the basic functions.

  • H 72 x W 72 x D 100mm
  • Total and preset counter, batch counter, dual counter and tachometer
  • Two-color display value, red or green
  • 6-digit, -99999 to 999999, set value -99999 to 999999 or 0 to 999999
  • Input contact, NPN or PNP
  • Easy operation with a key for each digit

Specifications & ordering info

Produkt Type Size Counting functions Counting range LCD backlight Number of digits Body color Installation type Terminal Output type Relay output Transistor output Inputs Supply voltage AC Supply voltage DC Speed Product Width (unpacked) Product Height (unpacked) Product Depth (unpacked) Description
Counter, DIN 72x72 mm, digital, multifunction, preset to 1-stage, SPST-NO, 3 A
Counter, DIN 72x72 mm, digital, multifunction, preset to 1-stage, SPST-NO, 3 A
Counter, DIN 72x72 mm, digital, multifunction, preset to 2-stage, SPST-NO, 3 A
Counter, DIN 72x72 mm, digital, multifunction, preset to 2-stage, SPST-NO, 3 A
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