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Vi har for tiden tekniske problemer. Ditt skjema har ikke blitt innsendt. Vi beklager så mye og håper du vil prøve igjen senere. Detaljer:


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Vi har for tiden tekniske problemer. Ditt skjema har ikke blitt innsendt. Vi beklager så mye og håper du vil prøve igjen senere. Detaljer:


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Sign up for SECOMEA PRIME as a new Omron RT1 customer!

By completing this form you have requested to be pre-registered in Secomea Prime Platform with Essential Subscription
Pre-registering for Secomea Prime is an intermediate step. Secomea will email you with a commercial offer and to confirm the subscription agreement.

Secomea New OMRON RT1 Customer Form

How to complete the form:

  • Please fill in the fields below in English, using CAPS for clarity. Mandatory fields marked with *.
  • Before proceeding, please thoroughly review the document titled 'How to Complete the Form.'
  • If the registration rules are not followed, OMRON has your permission to adjust the text to comply with the rules.
  • The domain name must adhere to the following rule: a maximum of 50 characters and must not include the characters '.', ',', '#', or '~'. Typically, the domain name matches the company name.
  • If the 'Domain Name' already exists, OMRON may add a number at the end to make it unique.
  • At the end of the form, please upload the invoice of your FIRST purchase of OMRON RT100 unit to continue your pre-registration.

However, we are still accepting applications for our waiting list.

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Contacts & references - Prime Subscription

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Thank you for for your registration. Pre-registering for Secomea Prime is an intermediate step. Secomea will contact you via email with a commercial offer and to confirm the subscription agreement.

Vi har for tiden tekniske problemer. Ditt skjema har ikke blitt innsendt. Vi beklager så mye og håper du vil prøve igjen senere. Detaljer:


Privacy Notice

At OMRON, we care about your privacy. To provide technical support, we may need to process your personal data, including your account name, contact name, email address and phone number. You will find detailed information in our Privacy Policy

In addition, if you wish to be pre-registered in the Secomea Prime Platform and therefore fill in the form, in order to fulfil your request, your data needs to be shared with Secomea, who will contact you by email regarding your request. 

By checking the checkbox at the end of the form above, you confirm that you have been informed about the purposes of processing your personal data and have reviewed the information available in our Privacy Policy.

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Secure and Easy Remote Access to your machines.

OMRON and Secomea redefine how you connect to your machines to streamline access and minimize delays.