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Pallet transport

Many warehouses use forklifts – which are driver-dependent, space-consuming, and often dangerous – to move pallets.
  • Low value added job
  • Shortage of workers
  • Space limitations
  • Safety requirements

Our Solution: flexible automated pallet transport.

The HD-1500 increases throughput, eliminate errors and improve material traceability.
  • Static and dynamic obstacle avoidance
  • Low level obstacle avoidance such as empty pallets or pallet mover forks on the ground
  • Overhead obstacle detection and avoidance

Value provided

Safe by design
  • Our mobile robots are safety rated. They use on-board lasers and other sensors to detect obstacles on their moving path
Easy install
  • OMRON mobile robots are easy to get up and running, requiring no construction such as the installation of magnets
Flexible Mapping
  • Our mobile robots use an on-board laser to scan the environment and generate a map which will be used for navigation.

See Our Portfolio of applications

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Automatic repacking for the retail channel

Repacking from single variety to mixed cases creates several challenges. To handle & optimize the inflow of different goods, OMRON brings together a complete line of robotic automation products into a single, fully integrated packaging system.

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inspection of incoming goods 2 fcard sol

Inspection of incoming goods

Examining incoming materials and products on compliance with specifications. Identifying any problems or defects on criteria as labelling, container size, container integrity or simply quantity.

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person to goods fcard sol


Improve productivity and increase accuracy for the warehouse operator pickers that travel around the warehouse, going to the products one by one in the goods gathering process.

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bin picking fcard sol

3D Bin picking

Pick up objects with random overlapping positions with 3D vision enabling enhanced bin-picking. 3D vision allows the system to detect more challenging objects in the field of view.

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Customer Cases

Related Products

  • hd-1500 400x200 prod

    Our strongest Fully Autonomous Mobile Robot

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Pallet Transport

Robotized autonomous movement from pallets bring an unprecedented flexibility to the design of logistical processes. Find out more about our flexible solution for internal transport.

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