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Power monitoring

Retrieving and centrally monitoring the status of power supplies enables automotive manufacturers to plan equipment maintenance activity more effectively. This eliminates unexpected downtime and premature power supply replacement, thus reducing overall maintenance costs.


Automotive assembly and production facilities are often large operations that run at very high duty cycles. It is very common to see hundreds of control panels installed to power the equipment. Identifying issues in a control panel is challenging for a maintenance engineer due to the amount of manual inspection required. Manually checking circuits with a handheld meter made it difficult to detect the deterioration of the components in the panel. In order to prevent unplanned downtime, the maintenance engineer would proactively replace control panel components to reduce risk of failure. 


The S8VK-X is an advanced DIN rail power supply that provides real-time monitoring of the power supply life, voltage, current, and peak current. With the S8VK-X power supply installed in the control panel, the maintenance engineer can visualize the health of the power supply along with circuit information downstream of the power supply. These built-in features allow predictive maintenance to be performed on industrial equipment and eliminates unnecessary replacement of components. OMRON provides a PC monitoring software that can remotely monitor the conditions of multiple S8VK-X power supplies.

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Power Monitoring

Retrieving and centrally monitoring the status of power supplies enables automotive manufacturers to plan equipment maintenance activity more effectively. This eliminates unexpected downtime and premature power supply replacement, thus reducing overall maintenance costs.

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