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Faster wire harness inspection process

Cycle time is a bottleneck in the dimensional/visual inspection process of connectors for electric vehicles. High-speed inspection by nonstop inspection helps solve this problem.


With electric vehicles becoming increasingly common, demand for connectors for the automobile industry is on the rise. To meet this rise in demand, shorter inspection takt time is necessary. Our solutions deliver high-speed appearance inspection for a wide range of connectors by using applications for dimensional and appearance inspections and through nonstop inspections powered by our unique flying trigger technology.


Our solutions enable nonstop inspection, allowing for stable inspection while reducing inspection time. Nonstop image inspection makes production independent of human ability. Clear standards and quantitative values of image inspection stabilize inspection quality. Records of image inspection results ensure log management and traceability.

OMRON solution provides nonstop image inspection

  • Nonstop inspection doubles production
  • Quantitative inspection eliminates variations
  • Ensured log management and traceability

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Wire Harness Inspection

Cycle time is a bottleneck in the dimensional/visual inspection process of connectors for electric vehicles. High-speed inspection by nonstop inspection helps solve this problem.

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