Specifications & ordering info
Produkt | Max. number of synchronous axes | Description | |
8 | Programmable Multi-Axis Controller µPower PMAC, 8 axes |
16 | Programmable Multi-Axis Controller µPower PMAC, 16 axes |
32 | Programmable Multi-Axis Controller µPower PMAC, 32 axes |
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Vi har for tiden tekniske problemer. Ditt skjema har ikke blitt innsendt. Vi beklager så mye og håper du vil prøve igjen senere. Detaljer:
Compact design

Built-in ports:
- Modbus TCP for PLC communication, visualization and programming
- EtherCAT for real-time machine control
- USB port for data logging or G-Code download
High-speed, high-precision motion controller plus PC - in one box

Complex kinematics

Complex mechanics can be controlled thanks to the matrix handling and the space conversion. Special applications like Hexapod telescope mirror positioning, can be easyly operated by the kinematics handling functionality.
Leveraging features for accurate machining application

Standard RS-274 G-Code interpreter. User-writable subroutines for customized implementation of G, M, T and D-codes. Flexibility to adapt the syntax and to work in combination with any CAD/CAM software.

Cutter compensation 2D/3D
Tool diameter and shape compensation, matching the cutting point exactly as specified in G-Code.

Fast processor + large program buffer
Fast processor can handle over 10,000 blocks per second and up to 1Gb part programs.

Block Retrace for reversing the path
Path can be reverted in order to remove the tool from cutting area.

Advanced Block Lookahead
Instructions in the buffer are analyzed in advance, movements are blended and optimized in speed and acceleration for a better performance.

Tangent tool management
Tools with a cutting direction require a tangent path positioning.

This computer software is used to configure, create user programs, and debug the programs for the NY51-A, CK3E and CK3M Programmable Multi Axis Controllers.