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Auxiliary Relay (Contactor Relay)

Same shape as J7KC magnetic contactors Ideal for standardizing panel design

  • Push-In Plus wiring technology saves wiring and maintenance time
  • World's smallest size*1
  • High Contact Reliability (Min. 5 VDC, 3 mA)
  • Combination with auxiliary contact units to configure a wide variety of contact variations
  • Coil surge absorber unit installed as standard*2
  • Certified as compliant with the main safety standards

*1. According to OMRON investigation, as of August 2019. For push-in models.

*2. DC operated

Specifications & ordering info

Produkt Auxiliary Contacts NO Auxiliary Contacts NC Coil voltage Operation voltage Rated current AC15 at 230V [A] Rated current AC15 at 400V [A] Rated Current Ith [A] Terminal type Product Width (unpacked) Product Height (unpacked) Product Depth (unpacked) Poles Description
Contactor Relay, 4 Poles, Push-In Plus Terminals, 110 VAC, Contacts: NO 2 NC 2, H×W×D 67.5 x 45 x 46 mm
Contactor Relay, 4 Poles, Push-In Plus Terminals, 230 VAC, Contacts: NO 2 NC 2, H×W×D 67.5 x 45 x 46 mm
Contactor Relay, 4 Poles, Push-In Plus Terminals, 24 VDC, Contacts: NO 2 NC 2, H×W×D 67.5 x 45 x 46 mm
Contactor Relay, 4 Poles, Push-In Plus Terminals, 48 VDC, Contacts: NO 2 NC 2, H×W×D 67.5 x 45 x 46 mm
Contactor Relay, 4 Poles, Push-In Plus Terminals, 24 VDC, Contacts: NO 3 NC 1, H×W×D 67.5 x 45 x 46 mm
Contactor Relay, 4 Poles, Push-In Plus Terminals, 230 VAC, Contacts: NO 4 NC 0, H×W×D 67.5 x 45 x 46 mm
Contactor Relay, 4 Poles, Push-In Plus Terminals, 24 VDC, Contacts: NO 4 NC 0, H×W×D 67.5 x 45 x 46 mm
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