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Monitor energy flow with a plug-and-play device

The Power Sensor Station collects and displays energy flows from multiple sources across your entire site with simple plug-and-play integration. Visualize energy data with the built-in LCD display or connect your PC with the available software for a closer look. Identify energy waste faster and simpler with the ZN Series of Power Sensor Stations.

  • Up to 31 KM50 Power Monitoring Devices can be connected in RS-485 communication or by using wi-fi converter
  • Multiple ZN can be integrated in an existing LAN network
  • SD card can be used to stored the monitoring data of the ZN
  • Graphs and monitored data can be easily represented on your PC through our Energy Viewer software
  • Monitoring data can be exported in .csv form

Specifications & ordering info

Ordering information


Product name

Power supply

Order code


Station unit

DC cable





Connectable power sensor/monitor


Max. number of connectable
power sensor/monitor units

31 units

Recording interval

1 s, 2 s, 5 s, 10 s, 20 s, 30 s, 1 min.

Recorded data

Power, integrated power, power factor, sum of pulse input counts 1 and 2

Operation function

Integrated power total sum, integrated momentary power, electricity rate total sum

Memory capacity (Internal)

Internal memory: approx. 200 data items (at maximum load); approx. 6800 data items (at minimum load)

Memory capacity (External)

SD card with SDHC compatibility (Save measured values, save and read setting values)

Power supply

DC input: 24 VDC±10%

Current consumption

80 mA max.


Magnet mounting, screw mounting, hook, free standing

Weight (when packaged)

Approx. 500 g



How can we help you?

If you have a question or would like to ask for a quote, please contact us or send a request.

+47 22 65 75 00
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+47 22 65 75 00
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Tilbud for ZN-serien

Ved å fylle ut dette skjemaet vil du motta et tilbud på det valgte produktet. Vennligst fyll inn alle obligatoriske felter. Dine personlige opplysninger vil bli behandlet konfidensielt.

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Multi Data Viewer Light Programvare
en ZIP 207,1 MB

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