Program, configure, commission, advanced regulation control
CX-Process enables the users to program, configure, commission and monitor hybrid control systems using graphical tools for building function block diagrams, connection maps in addition to ladder programs and sequence tables for sequential operations. Commissioning can be performed with simple pre-built HMI screens which allow monitoring of key parameters during this phase . Tag sharing allows easy connection to SCADA HMIs.
- Increased productivity through intuitive and powerful function block diagram graphical programming
- Clear and simple commissioning tools for loop assessment and tuning
- Extensive library of function blocks to build complex control systems
- Simple and effective monitoring and debugging tools for real-time verification of programmes
- Variety of programming environments for to suit appropriate sequnce control application
- Tag sharing and file creation for easy connection to SCADA and dedicated HMI
How can we help you?
If you have a question or would like to ask for a quote, please contact us or send a request.
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