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SmartStep 2-servoforsterkere

SmartStep 2-servoforsterkere

The right step forward...

The new SmartStep offers an ideal solution for point-to-point motion applications where simplicity is essential. SmartStep 2 keeps things simple whilst combining high performance and advanced features in a cost effective solution.

  • Ultra-compact size. The footprint is only 48% compared to the previous SmartStep
  • Vibration suppression
  • Adaptive resonance suppression filter
  • Feedback pulse output
  • On-line Auto-tuning and Easy set up
  • Electronic gear, four internal speed settings and wide range of pulse settings
  • Two torque limits
  • Position control via pulse input 500 kpps
  • Configuration and commissioning using CX-Drive software

Specifications & ordering info

Produkt Servo control method Drive supply voltage Rated output Description
SmartStep 2 servo drive, pulse input type, 100 W, 1~ 200 VAC
SmartStep 2 servo drive, pulse input type, 200 W, 1-phase 200 VAC
SmartStep 2 servo drive, pulse input type, 400 W, 1~ 200 VAC
G-Series Servo Drive, Pulse input type, 800 W, 1~ 200 VAC
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SmartStep 2-servoforsterkere

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