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Guard-lock safety door switch

The D4SL-N guard-lock provides a wide range of models for the safe monitoring of entries and positions of guards.

  • Key holding force 1,300 N
  • 4, 5 and 6 contact types
  • Terminal block types and connector types
  • Drive solenoid directly from the controller
  • Turning key insertion point without detaching head

Specifications & ordering info

Produkt Door switch type Guard-lock Material housing Material head Ambient temperature (operating) Holding force Direction of operation Door contacts NC Door contacts NO Lock monitor contacts NC Lock monitor contacts NO Lock/Release key type Lock/Release key position Lock/Release key material Solenoid voltage LED indicator Connection method Cable length Degree of protection (IP) Conduit size Switch without actuator Lock/Release logic Description
Guard lock safety door switch, G1/2 coduit, 2NC + 2NC, resin head, 24 VDC solenoid lock.
Guard lock safety door switch, G1/2 coduit, 2NC/1NO+2NC/1NO, resin, Mechanical lock/24VDC solenoid release, LED indicator
Guard lock safety door switch, G1/2 coduit, 2NC/1NO+2NC/1NO, resin head, solenoid lock, connector
Guard lock safety-door switch, D4SL-N, M20, 1NC/1NO + 1NC/1NO, head: resin, mechanical lock/24VDC solenoid release
Guard lock safety-door switch, M20, 1NC/1NO + 1NC/1NO, head: resin, Mechanical lock/24VDC solenoid release, connector
Guard lock safety-door switch, D4SL-N, M20, 1NC/1NO + 1NC/1NO, head: resin, 24VDC solenoid lock/mechanical release
Guard lock safety-door switch, D4SL-N, M20, 2NC + 1NC/1NO, head: resin, Mechanical lock/24VDC solenoid release
Guard lock safety-door switch, D4SL-N, M20, 2NC + 1NC/1NO, head: resin, 24VDC solenoid lock/mechanical release
Guard lock safety-door switch, D4SL-N, M20, 2NC + 2NC, head: resin, Mechanical lock/24VDC solenoid release
Guard lock safety-door switch, D4SL-N, M20, 2NC + 2NC, head: resin, 24VDC solenoid lock/mechanical release
Door locking switch, M20, 2NC/1NO + 1NC/1NO, head: metal, Mechanical lock/24VDC solenoid release, LED indicator
Door locking switch, M20, 2NC/1NO + 1NC/1NO, head: metal, 24VDC solenoid lock/mechanical release, LED indicator, connector
Guard lock safety-door switch, D4SL-N, M20, 2NC/1NO + 1NC/1NO, head: resin, Mechanical lock/24VDC solenoid release, LED indicator
Door locking switch, M20, 2NC/1NO + 1NC/1NO, head: resin, Mechanical lock/24VDC solenoid release, LED indicator, connector
Guard lock safety-door switch, D4SL-N, M20, 2NC/1NO + 1NC/1NO, head: resin, 24VDC solenoid lock/mechanical release, LED indicator
Guard lock safety-door switch, D4SL-N, M20, 2NC/1NO + 2NC, head: resin, Mechanical lock/24VDC solenoid release, LED indicator
Guard lock safety-door switch, D4SL-N, M20, 2NC/1NO + 2NC, head: resin, 24VDC solenoid lock/mechanical release, LED indicator
Door locking switch, M20, 3NC + 1NC/1NO, head: metal, Mechanical lock/24VDC solenoid release, LED indicator
Guard lock safety-door switch, D4SL-N, M20, 3NC + 1NC/1NO, head: resin, Mechanical lock/24VDC solenoid release, LED indicator
Door locking switch, M20, 3NC + 1NC/1NO, head: resin, Mechanical lock/24VDC solenoid release, LED indicator, connector
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