Safety door switches with stainless steel head or full stainless steel body
This safety door switches use a stainless steel head or even a full stainless steel body to increase the robustness.
- 2NC/1NO or 3NC contacts
- Key entry turnable to back side
- 4 key insertion positions
- 3 M20 conduit entries
- Positive break contacts (to IEC 60947-5-1)
Specifications & ordering info
Ordering information
Keys (order separately)
Set of Torx safety screws (M4, 4 × 30 mm, 4 × 20 mm, 4 × 10 mm; incl. washers and Torx bit) |
EN1088, IEC 60947-5-1, EN 60204-1, UL508 EN ISO 13849-1: up to PLe1 EN 62061: up to SIL31 |
IEC 68-2-6, 10-55 Hz +1 Hz, Excursion: 0.35 mm, 1 octave/min |
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